Print Materials for Trine University
The rebranding of Trine University in Indiana has been an ongoing project for several years and involves print materials for which Anniken has created new graphics standards as well as large format graphics throughout the beautiful campus. Below is a sampling of the rebranded print materials which included creating new logos for the University's golf course and club house!
To give Trine a more contemporary look, we added bright accent colors to compliment the University's navy blue and taupe school colors. Playful use has been made of the school's nick name "Thunder" and their white tiger mascot Storm.
New logos and overall look for the Trine University's golf course and club house were then applied to signage, billboards, Golf Management promotional brochure and Club Z menus.
These special event mailers and promotional posters all have their own "look" — it was great fun to come up with a distinct personality for each piece!
Capital campaign to build a Engineering building and make other campus improvements. Clean, bold typography was featured throughout the square print brochure and the graphics for the promotional video.
Connecting business, industry and the community with the creativity, brainpower and enthusiasm of Trine university.